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Handelsblatt KI Summit 2022

Handelsblatt KI Summit 2022

We are there! Are you too?

This year, the Handelsblatt KI Summit will take place live and digitally on June 8 and 9 as part of the AI Biennale Essen at the Zeche Zollverein in Essen. About 200 decision makers live and about 200 digital are expected.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the key technologies of the coming years and decades. Artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities are evolving tremendously across all industries. Against this backdrop, the Handelsblatt AI Summit provides deep insights and penetrates the global trends, especially related to Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

This year, the focus is on "AI Experience". Current political frameworks, strategies and many use cases around "How to start", "How to launch" and "How to scale" provide many practical suggestions around the topic of Artificial Intelligence.

The main topics are:
- Framework conditions
- Strategies of leading companies
- AI solutions for climate, environment and sustainability
- AI applications in health and healthcare
- AI for (data) security
- Many case studies to show applications in practice

Don't miss our speaker Thomas Schwab on June 8 at 18:50 with his contribution on "AI in the semiconductor industry for data security".

Go to KI Summit 2022: https://veranstaltungen.handelsblatt.com/kuenstliche-intelligenz/

Published: 4/27/2022

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