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New 365nm UV LED with narrow beam angle

New 365nm UV LED with narrow beam angle

New in the portfolio of Neumüller Elektronik GmbH is a 365nm UV LED with a beam angle of 45°. This feature offers you completely new possibilities in terms of design and implementation of your products. Many applications can be realized without an additional lens. This advantage not only makes room in the application, but also saves money.

The chip of the CUN66B1B is contained in a compact 3.50mm x 3.50mm package with an integrated silicone lens.
With its optical power of 850mW (@500mW, Vf 3.8V), the UV LED achieves an efficiency of 44.7%. In addition, the UV LED has a spectral half-width of 9nm which, according to DGZfP guidelines, also permits the use of the UV LED in non-destructive material testing.

Other possible applications are e.g. The curing of paints, lacquers and adhesives, medical technology, banknote and document testing, as well as the stimulation of chemical reactions.

A detailed data sheet of UV LEDs, as well as further information on UV LEDs can be obtained directly from Neumüller Elektronik GmbH.

Published: 10/1/2015

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